Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Diez Cosas Para Que Estoy Agradecido

Ten things I am thankful for:

1)Family that supports me in my hair-brained ideas, no matter how out there I may sometimes seem. The love and support means the world.

2)This fantastic place of love and support that I am being allowed to stay in durring my time in Peru. It is good to know that we are all very safe and the people that work with the children have a severe love and dedication for/too them.

3)White Rice and Chicken, lots of it.

4)Pablo, the ninja-like vigilante that vanishes out of thin air. He may look a little rough around the edges, but really, knowing he is around makes us all rest easy.


6)God's love that has made this place possible and provided a way for a group of Peruvians and a strange group of American's to come together with a mutual love for children and the desire to show them God's love for them.

7)Wet sloppy kisses all over my cheeks and forehead from the rambunctious little boys. their affection truley makes me remember why I am here.

8)Email. I miss you too.

9)Cold showers. I need to focus less on the fact that the hot water likes to stop working and more on being thankful that we have running water (most times).

10)The children's (and worker's) patience with my Spanish. I am learning much and fast as well. However, there is still a very severe wall. On most days however, we are able to get along just fine. Every day, I am learning new phrases and enjoying new conversations.


Unknown said...

Hola Laura,
Como esta? Yo soy bien. He estado muy ocupado debido a la escuela y dos empleos. ¡Le echo de menos!


(4 years of Spanish for nothing...)